Değil Hakkında Gerçekler bilinen C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor

Değil Hakkında Gerçekler bilinen C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor

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"Are there any simple groups that appear birli zeros of the zeta function?" by Peter Freyd; why is this consternating to mathematicians?

Today, you almost always use IList, the primary reason for IList to still be around is for reasons of backwards compatibility.

Here's an example: I had a project once where our lists got very large, and resulting fragmentation of the large object heap was hurting performance. We replaced List with LinkedList. LinkedList does derece contain an array, so all of a sudden, we had almost no use of the large object heap.

It's more nuanced than that. If you are returning an IList birli part of the public interface to your library, you leave yourself interesting options to perhaps make a custom list in the future.

The accepted answer by @DavidMills is quite good, but I think it emanet be improved upon. For one, there is no need to define the ComparisonComparer class when the framework already includes a static method Comparer.Create(Comparison). This method emanet be used to create an IComparison on the fly.

Örneğin, bayağıdaki kodda bir IAnimal tipinde bir mütehavvil tanımladım ve bu bileğkârkene Dog ve Cat nesneleri atadım.

In case of using IList, the caller is always guareented things to work, and the implementer is free to change the underlying collection to any alternative concrete implementation of IList

From my reading I think I could have used IEnumberable instead of IList since I am just looping through stuff.

Anahtar bileğerleri tamlanan bir kontralaştırıcı kullanılarak huzurlaştırılır ve her grubun öğeleri belirtilen bir mesleklev kullanılarak yansıtılır.

If you yaşama consider your method, determine that you probably won't be changing the return collection type, then it is probably safe to return a more exact type. If you aren't sure, or are afraid that if you change it in future you'll be breaking other people's code, then go more general.

If you're working within a single method (or C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız even in a single class or assembly in some cases) and no one outside is going to see what you're doing, use the fullness of a List. But if you're interacting with outside code, like when you're returning a list from a method, then you only want to declare the interface without necessarily tying yourself to a specific implementation, especially if you have no control over who compiles against your C# IList Kullanımı code afterward.

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This will help if you decide to C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır change the implementation of your class later to use a different concrete class. In that case the users of your library won't need to update their code since the interface doesn't change.

For instance, if you return an IEnumerable, then C# IList Kullanımı you C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız are limiting them to iterating -- they birey't add or remove items from your object, they güç only act against the objects. If you need to expose a collection outside of a class, but don't want to let the caller change the collection, this is one way of doing it. On the other hand, if you are returning an empty collection that you expect/want them to populate, then an IEnumerable is unsuitable.

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